FASA III: Armenia
Financing the Agriculture Sector in Armenia (FASA) is a Financing and Technical Assistance programme funded through KfW Entwicklungsbank under the framework of the German Bilateral Cooperation and managed by the Central Bank of Armenia via the German Armenian Fund (GAF).
Our target is contribution to strengthen GAF and Participating Financial Institutions (PFIs) in the field of agricultural value chains and organic farming and in strengthening their overall environmental and social standards.

The objective of the Lot 1 project is to support Armenian PFIs with the development of agricultural lending with focus on organic farming and value chains, by:
- Developing TA packages
- Designing agrilending, including development of value proposition
- Upgrading agricultural lending methodologies
- Delivering trainings and financial literacy seminars
- Selecting Value chains and developing Value Chain Finance
- Developing the organic farming finance

The main objective of the second Lot is to review and adapt the environmental and social management systems (ESMS) for GAF and PFIs, by following activities:
- Review of GAF's existing ESMS and capacities and proposing an working plan
- Adapting and improving the ESMS, including E&S policy, manual and templates as well as other ESMS documents
- Offering ongoing support to GAF according to international practices and provide capacity development through trainings delivery
- Supporting GAF in analysing PFIs' ESMS through methodological input and providing capacity building of PFIs
On this page:
KfW E-Learning
E-learning platform on sustainability and corporate governance
This platform has been developed in cooperation with Innovativkonzept GmbH (IK), Germany and financed by means of BMZ.
Clients of this platform are typically financial institutions or corporates that are interested in larger scale sustainability or governance related training for their staff.
ESMS Treasury
Introduction to ESMS
The webinar has been designed to provide Financial Intermediaries’ (FIs) representatives with an overview of: (1) Introduction to ESG risks for FIs; (2) Opportunities for FIs; and (3) Outline of the ESMS.
Presented by Mark King
International ESMS Expert / Team Leader of the FASA Project
UNEP Finance Initiative
- IFC’s Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) Diagnostic Tool for financial institutions (FIs)
- Performance Standard 1: Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts (2012)
- Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) Implementation Handbook - GENERAL
- E&S Performance Standards
- Good Practice Handbook on Cumulative Impact Assessment and Management: Guidance for the Private Sector in Emerging Markets
- Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Guidelines
- Environmental and Social Standards (ESS)
2017: FASA: A Story of Creating Value
2016: BFC Promo—Financing Agriculture in Armenia

- What is a 'green' bank
- Why integrate the Environmental and Social Management System?
- Corporate Sustainability: a new norm?
- Corporate Environmental and Social Policy
- Stakeholders: tips and tricks for successful engagement in a 'green' organization
- Sustainability Reporting - transparency is always appreciated
- Corporate Social Responsibility: where is it going?
- Climate Reporting: Lost in the Right Direction?
- Sustainable Procurement: Ignoring Will Cost More on the Long Run
- GRI Sustainability Reporting Framework
By Anna Chashchyna, Environmental Advisor, Ukraine